
  • Report a Litter Hotspot Αναγνωρισμένο
    600 Gervais St Columbia, South Carolina - Columbia
    Parking lot bushes in the back are a littler hotpot for pedestrians walking to Vista Commons Pulaski street. Needs trash cans or something it's gotten ridiculous lately as more students live behind Gervais & Vine on Pulaski. Employees from businesses cleans it up but it's too much to handle as our efforts only temporary subdued littering that's occuring
  • Report a Litter Hotspot Αναγνωρισμένο
    2305-2309 Gervais St Columbia, South Carolina - Columbia
    Due to the comet bus stop, littering occurs needs a trash can here.
  • Report a Litter Hotspot Αναγνωρισμένο
    2229 Washington St Columbia, South Carolina - Columbia
    Usually be trash in the bushes near the Bishops Church. No one cleans it