Allison Klein

  • Lake Lynn Raleigh, North Carolina - Northwest
    Fowl odors, animals in distress, overgrowth of algae
  • Pedestrian Crossing Αναγνωρισμένο
    Leesville And Ray Rd Raleigh, North Carolina - Northwest
    I frequently try to cross this intersection and always use the pedestrian crossing buttons. This has been a false sense of security because I have been almost hit 4 times while crossing legally by cars turning on a green light. Drivers assume that a green light means they can GO, regardless of pedestrians. They are unaware of pedestrians and there is no sign to make them aware of this. I am really scared I will not be so lucky in the future. I always check, even though I have the right of way, but some cars come so fast I do not see them. This has been during daylight. Please put up signs for PEDESTRIAN CROSSING to make drivers aware that a green light is not always a GO.