
  • 451-499 Rindge Ave Cambridge, MA, 02140, USA - North Cambridge
    T intersection allows traffic from Rindge to turn right on red. Frequently block pedestrian walkway. I have been hit twice now on my bike while in the walkway due to drivers negligently looking left while accelerating forward and turning right, ignoring pedestrian traffic directly in front of their vehicle!
  • 451-499 Rindge Ave Cambridge, MA, 02140, USA - North Cambridge
    T intersection that allows right turn on red from Rindge Ave
  • Ma Magoo'S Pizza & Sub Shop 6 Concord Ln Cambridge MA, 02138, USA - Cambridge
    Winter sun rises directly behind pedestrian cross light on Concord Ave. Eastbound drivers can't see light change and drive right through red light at the crosswalk. Very Dangerous! Need a sun shield around lights so they can be seen.
  • crosswalk trigger Άνοιγμα
    4 Swan Place Arlington, Massachusetts - Arlington
    Need a motion detector installed for the Minuteman Bike trail street crossing at Swan Place and Mass Ave.
  • 204-220 Alewife Brook Parkway Cambridge Massachusetts - Cambridge

    One of the driveways that are being painted on the bike path has been missed on Alewife Brook Pkwy; it's the one to the west of the Freepoint Hotel, just before the Fresh Pond Mall property.

    And the rest of the driveways need to be finished, too!

  • crosswalk signs Άνοιγμα
    20 Mill Street Arlington, Massachusetts - Arlington
    Need to put crosswalk signs in Mill Street: too many vehicles ignore students and other pedestrians trying to cross.
  • 185 Alewife Brook Parkway Cambridge, Massachusetts - North Cambridge
    Half of the bike lane going over the commuter rails is unplowed!
  • 1996 Alewife Brook Parkway Cambridge, Massachusetts - Cambridge
    the sidewalks on the overpass are only half plowed: ankle deep snow on the other half.
  • 331 School Street Watertown, Massachusetts - Watertown
    Pedestrian crossing inadequately marked with thin lines. Need more visible zebra stripes to alert drivers. Standup pedestrian crosswalk signs would also be a good idea.