
  • More potholes Αναγνωρισμένο
    1300-1499 Shenandoah Street Richmond, Virginia - Sauer's Gardens
    Lots of potholes along the 1400 block, with a few on the 1300 block that need to be addressed as well.
  • Potholes off Staples Mill Αναγνωρισμένο
    4900-4909 Radford Ave Richmond, Virginia - Monument Avenue Park
    Between Staples Mill and Willow Lawn, just inside the city limits, there are some potholes that need to be filled. When you get to the Henrico County part of the road, all is smooth.
  • Multiple potholes Αναγνωρισμένο
    1300-1899 Chantilly Richmond, Virginia - Monument Avenue Park
    Multiple blocks along this street between Monument and Broad have potholes that need to be filled. One or two blocks may be just fine, but mostly, there are potholes that need to be tended to.
  • Lots of Potholes Αναγνωρισμένο
    1601-1799 Commonwealth Avenue Richmond Virginia - Sauer's Gardens
    There are so many potholes along this one block, along with a few more on the block south of it, that it might be cheaper to simply repave the entire thing. It's been like this for months now, despite calls to get it fixed.