
  • 6200-6298 Pleasant Pines Drive Raleigh, North Carolina - Northwest
    There is a large pine tree that is overgrown. If you are at the stop sign on Davis Circle trying to make a right onto Pleasant Pines Drive, you can't see if anyone is coming from the left where the gas station is. There are a lot of near misses as other cars suddenly appear from around the corner behind the pine tree.
  • Pleasant Grove Church Rd At Pleasant Pines Raleigh, North Carolina - Northwest
    A large bush is leaning onto the road. If someone is coming the other direction, you have to stop and let them pass before you can go in order to avoid the bush/tree/branch in the road.
  • Garbage / Recycling / Yard Waste Αναγνωρισμένο
    Hammersmith Dr At Pleasant Grove Church Rd Raleigh, North Carolina - Northwest
    It appears someone drove by and dumped an old mattress on the sidewalk/side of the road. Are you able to have someone pick up the debris? This is an eye sore for our community.