
  • Water Main Leak - 10 Months now تم حفظه في الأرشيف
    604 N 21st St Richmond, VA 23223, USA - Union Hill

    This leaking water main / meter has been leaking since January with no resolution.

    The leak is degrading the brick, allowing for grass to grow, and impeding foot traffic. Mosquitoes are breeding and bees are frequenting it for water.

    Once colder weather comes the frost/thaw will do more damage and be a slipping hazard.

  • 606-608 North 21st Street Richmond, Virginia - Union Hill

    City notified and visited to confirm the leaking water was not coming off my bill. However, nothing has been done and it is creating a dangerously slick sidewalk. The waste of water is concerning to me as well.

    Creepy crawly critters, flies, mosquitos, and bees are attracted to the cess pool, and it is quite disgusting! The water is allowing grass to grow and deteriorate the already uneven bricks. There are bricks missing and the sidewalk has become dangerous.